Resolutions & Ordinances
According to Sand Point's City Code, Resolutions and Ordinances that come before the City Council require publication at least five days prior to the public hearing of such matter.
The first Council meeting in which a Resolution appears on the agenda constitutes a public hearing. It is also considered the first "reading" of the Resolution. In the case of an Ordinance, a "second reading" (or second time on the agenda) of the proposal enacts the required public hearing. There is no public hearing for the first "reading" of an Ordinance.
This page will contain the Resolutions and Ordinances set for hearing by the Council and meet the required publication standard, in addition to posting around town (such as the Post Office, City Hall, etc).
When a Resolution or Ordinance passes the City Council it will also be listed on this page for a minimum of 60 days. To view Resolutions or Ordinances prior to 2017, contact the City Clerk.
The first Council meeting in which a Resolution appears on the agenda constitutes a public hearing. It is also considered the first "reading" of the Resolution. In the case of an Ordinance, a "second reading" (or second time on the agenda) of the proposal enacts the required public hearing. There is no public hearing for the first "reading" of an Ordinance.
This page will contain the Resolutions and Ordinances set for hearing by the Council and meet the required publication standard, in addition to posting around town (such as the Post Office, City Hall, etc).
When a Resolution or Ordinance passes the City Council it will also be listed on this page for a minimum of 60 days. To view Resolutions or Ordinances prior to 2017, contact the City Clerk.
2024 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 24-01: Adopting the Alternative Allocation Method for the FY24 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Program and Certifying that this Allocation Method Fairly Represents the Distribution of Significant Effects of Fisheries Business Activity in the Alaska Peninsula Fisheries Management Area (FMA 3)
Resolution 24-02: Establishing a Finance Committee
Resolution 24-03: Establishing the Capital Improvement Project List
Resolution 24-04: Authorizing the City of Sand Point to Apply for Funds From the FFY2025 Congressional Directed Spending (CDS) Appropriations Through the Alaska Municipal League (AML).
Resolution 24-05: A Resolution of the Sand Point City Council Appointing Election Judges for The October 1, 2024 General City Election.
Ordinance 2024-01; FY24 Budget Amendment
Ordinance 2024-02: Amending Chapter 4: Fire Department
Ordinance 2024-03: An Ordinance of the City of Sand Point, Alaska, Adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2025.
Ordinance 2024-04: An Ordinance of the Sand Point City Council Amending Chapter 4 of the Sand Point Municipal Code §2.40.020 Regular Council Meetings
2023 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 23-01: Supporting the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Airport Fence Project at the Sand Point Airport
Resolution 23-02: Authorizing Participation in the Alaska Community Transportation Program
Resolution 23-03: Authorizing Participation in the Alaska Transportation Alternative Program
Resolution 23-04: Supporting the Current South Alaska Peninsula Salmon Management Plan and Opposing Certain Proposals Before the Board of Fisheries
Resolution 23-05: Supporting Participation in the Denali Commission Grant Funding Opportunity
Resolution 23-06: Establishing the Capital Improvement Project List
Resolution 23-07: Opposing Senate Bill 128 and House Bill 180
Resolution 23-08: Supporting the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT & PF) Sand Point Airport Rehabilitation Project
Ordinance 2023-01: Amending the Operating Budget for FY23
Ordinance 2023-02: Amending Chapter 10 of the Sand Point Municipal Code to Increase the Monthly Fees for All Rate Classes of Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste
Ordinance 2023-03: Adopting FY24 Budget
2022 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 22-01: Adopting the Aleutians East Borough Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
Resolution 22-02: Supporting the Completion of the Sand Point Harbor Floating Docks Project
Resolution 22-03: Honoring the Service of Anne Christine Nielsen to the City of Sand Point
Resolution 22-04: Appointing Election Judges for the October 4, 2022 General City Election
Resolution 22-05: Authorizing Participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program
Resolution 22-06: Honoring Shirley Brown for Her 24 Years of Service on the Sand Point City Council
Resolution 22-07: Honoring Danny Cumberlidge for His 11 Years of Service on the Sand Point City Council
Resolution 22-08: Recognizing and Honoring the Veterans of Sand Point
Resolution 22-09: Adopting the Alternative Allocation Method for the FY22 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Program and Certifying that this Allocation Method Fairly Represents the Distribution of Significant Effects of Fisheries Business Activity in the Alaska Peninsula Fisheries Management Area (FMA 3)
Resolution 22-10: Establishing the Capital Improvement Project List
2021 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 21-01: Extension of Emergency of Declaration
Resolution 21-02: Authorized Check Signers
Resolution 21-03: Authorizing Issuance of Revenue Bond
Resolution 21-04: Series Bond
Resolution 21-05: Akutan and Sand Point Harbor Grant Letter of Support
Resolution 21-06: ARPA Accepting Funds
Resolution 21-07: ANTHC Grant
Ordinance 2021-01: Authorizing Land Easement and Right of Way
Ordinance 2021-02: FY22 Budget
Ordinance 2021-03: Harbor Rates Increase
2024 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 24-01: Adopting the Alternative Allocation Method for the FY24 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Program and Certifying that this Allocation Method Fairly Represents the Distribution of Significant Effects of Fisheries Business Activity in the Alaska Peninsula Fisheries Management Area (FMA 3)
Resolution 24-02: Establishing a Finance Committee
Resolution 24-03: Establishing the Capital Improvement Project List
Resolution 24-04: Authorizing the City of Sand Point to Apply for Funds From the FFY2025 Congressional Directed Spending (CDS) Appropriations Through the Alaska Municipal League (AML).
Resolution 24-05: A Resolution of the Sand Point City Council Appointing Election Judges for The October 1, 2024 General City Election.
Ordinance 2024-01; FY24 Budget Amendment
Ordinance 2024-02: Amending Chapter 4: Fire Department
Ordinance 2024-03: An Ordinance of the City of Sand Point, Alaska, Adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2025.
Ordinance 2024-04: An Ordinance of the Sand Point City Council Amending Chapter 4 of the Sand Point Municipal Code §2.40.020 Regular Council Meetings
2023 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 23-01: Supporting the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Airport Fence Project at the Sand Point Airport
Resolution 23-02: Authorizing Participation in the Alaska Community Transportation Program
Resolution 23-03: Authorizing Participation in the Alaska Transportation Alternative Program
Resolution 23-04: Supporting the Current South Alaska Peninsula Salmon Management Plan and Opposing Certain Proposals Before the Board of Fisheries
Resolution 23-05: Supporting Participation in the Denali Commission Grant Funding Opportunity
Resolution 23-06: Establishing the Capital Improvement Project List
Resolution 23-07: Opposing Senate Bill 128 and House Bill 180
Resolution 23-08: Supporting the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT & PF) Sand Point Airport Rehabilitation Project
Ordinance 2023-01: Amending the Operating Budget for FY23
Ordinance 2023-02: Amending Chapter 10 of the Sand Point Municipal Code to Increase the Monthly Fees for All Rate Classes of Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste
Ordinance 2023-03: Adopting FY24 Budget
2022 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 22-01: Adopting the Aleutians East Borough Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
Resolution 22-02: Supporting the Completion of the Sand Point Harbor Floating Docks Project
Resolution 22-03: Honoring the Service of Anne Christine Nielsen to the City of Sand Point
Resolution 22-04: Appointing Election Judges for the October 4, 2022 General City Election
Resolution 22-05: Authorizing Participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program
Resolution 22-06: Honoring Shirley Brown for Her 24 Years of Service on the Sand Point City Council
Resolution 22-07: Honoring Danny Cumberlidge for His 11 Years of Service on the Sand Point City Council
Resolution 22-08: Recognizing and Honoring the Veterans of Sand Point
Resolution 22-09: Adopting the Alternative Allocation Method for the FY22 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Program and Certifying that this Allocation Method Fairly Represents the Distribution of Significant Effects of Fisheries Business Activity in the Alaska Peninsula Fisheries Management Area (FMA 3)
Resolution 22-10: Establishing the Capital Improvement Project List
2021 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 21-01: Extension of Emergency of Declaration
Resolution 21-02: Authorized Check Signers
Resolution 21-03: Authorizing Issuance of Revenue Bond
Resolution 21-04: Series Bond
Resolution 21-05: Akutan and Sand Point Harbor Grant Letter of Support
Resolution 21-06: ARPA Accepting Funds
Resolution 21-07: ANTHC Grant
Ordinance 2021-01: Authorizing Land Easement and Right of Way
Ordinance 2021-02: FY22 Budget
Ordinance 2021-03: Harbor Rates Increase
2020 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 20-01: NMFS Humpback Whales
Resolution 20-02: Authorizing the Disposal of Firearms
Resolution 20-05: Extension of Declaration of Emergency
Resolution 20-06: Acceptance of Coronavirus Relief Funds
Resolution 20-07: Authorizing Issuance of City Bond Refund
Resolution 20-08: Extending the Declaration of Emergency
Resolution 20-09: Appointing Election Judges
Resolution 20-10: Extension of Declaration of Emergency
Resolution 20-11: Supporting EAT
Resolution 20-12: FY21 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Program
Ordinance 2020-01: FY21 Budget Amendment
Resolution 20-01: NMFS Humpback Whales
Resolution 20-02: Authorizing the Disposal of Firearms
Resolution 20-05: Extension of Declaration of Emergency
Resolution 20-06: Acceptance of Coronavirus Relief Funds
Resolution 20-07: Authorizing Issuance of City Bond Refund
Resolution 20-08: Extending the Declaration of Emergency
Resolution 20-09: Appointing Election Judges
Resolution 20-10: Extension of Declaration of Emergency
Resolution 20-11: Supporting EAT
Resolution 20-12: FY21 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Program
Ordinance 2020-01: FY21 Budget Amendment
2019 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed By the City Council
Resolution 19-01: Supporting an Additional Name on Limited Entry Salmon Permits
Ordinance 2019-01: Amending Acquisition & Disposal of City Property
Ordinance 2019-02: Amending FY19 Budget
Ordinance 2019-03: Amending Water/Sewer/Refuse Rates
Ordinance 2019-04: Amending Harbor Rates
Ordinance 2019-05: Adopting FY20 Budget
Resolution 19-01: Supporting an Additional Name on Limited Entry Salmon Permits
Ordinance 2019-01: Amending Acquisition & Disposal of City Property
Ordinance 2019-02: Amending FY19 Budget
Ordinance 2019-03: Amending Water/Sewer/Refuse Rates
Ordinance 2019-04: Amending Harbor Rates
Ordinance 2019-05: Adopting FY20 Budget
2018 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 18-01: Approving FY19 Alaska Marine Highway Operating Budget
Resolution 18-02: Adopting Part 139 Certification
Resolution 18-03: Supporting Excess Load Boilers
Resolution 18-05: Appointing Election Judges for the 2018 Election
Resolution 18-06: Adopting FY19 Shared Fish Tax Allocation Method
Ordinance 2018-01: Adopting Sand Point Community Comprehensive Development Plan
Ordinance 2018-02: Adopting FY19 Budget
Resolution 18-01: Approving FY19 Alaska Marine Highway Operating Budget
Resolution 18-02: Adopting Part 139 Certification
Resolution 18-03: Supporting Excess Load Boilers
Resolution 18-05: Appointing Election Judges for the 2018 Election
Resolution 18-06: Adopting FY19 Shared Fish Tax Allocation Method
Ordinance 2018-01: Adopting Sand Point Community Comprehensive Development Plan
Ordinance 2018-02: Adopting FY19 Budget
2017 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council
Resolution 17-01: Adopting FY17 Shared Fish Tax Allocation Method
Resolution 17-02: Adopting Dissolution Clause for Gaming Proceeds
Resolution 17-03: Adopting FY18 Capital Improvement Program
Resolution 17-04: Approving Mayor to Execute Land Donation
Resolution 17-05: Approving an Asset Allocation Strategy for the Permanent Fund
Resolution 17-06: Appointing Election Judges for the October 2017 Election
Resolution 17-07: Adopting FY18 Shared Fish Tax Allocation Method
Ordinance 2017-01: Amending Public Safety Ordinances to Update Minor Offenses and Other Public Safety Laws
Ordinance 2017-02: Amending Public Safety Ordinances to Clarify "Legal Guardian"
Ordinance 2017-03: Amending Minor Offenses to Clarify Public Safety Ordinances
Ordinance 2017-04: Adopting FY18 City Budget
Ordinance 2017-05: Approving a $500,000 Deposit Into City Permanent Fund
Resolution 17-01: Adopting FY17 Shared Fish Tax Allocation Method
Resolution 17-02: Adopting Dissolution Clause for Gaming Proceeds
Resolution 17-03: Adopting FY18 Capital Improvement Program
Resolution 17-04: Approving Mayor to Execute Land Donation
Resolution 17-05: Approving an Asset Allocation Strategy for the Permanent Fund
Resolution 17-06: Appointing Election Judges for the October 2017 Election
Resolution 17-07: Adopting FY18 Shared Fish Tax Allocation Method
Ordinance 2017-01: Amending Public Safety Ordinances to Update Minor Offenses and Other Public Safety Laws
Ordinance 2017-02: Amending Public Safety Ordinances to Clarify "Legal Guardian"
Ordinance 2017-03: Amending Minor Offenses to Clarify Public Safety Ordinances
Ordinance 2017-04: Adopting FY18 City Budget
Ordinance 2017-05: Approving a $500,000 Deposit Into City Permanent Fund
2016 Resolutions and Ordinances Passed by the City Council